Extra Credit


These assignments can be completed for an extra 10 points added to your lowest grade. They must be well done and fully completed in order to earn the full 10 points. Efforts that go above and beyond the call of duty will earn more than 10 bonus points.

1) Read about one scientist in your Exploring Earth Science textbook. Write a one-page paper (front only) about this scientist. Tell who they were, what they did, and why this is important to us.

2) Find a theory in your Exploring Earth Science textbook. Analyze this theory for its strengths and weaknesses. Make a chart showing both.

3) Make a model of anything in your textbook. More than 10 points can be earned on this one.

4) Read a newspaper or magazine article about some science-related subject. Write a one page (front only) paper about this article.

5) Watch a science fiction movie or television show. Analyze it and tell me if it could be realistic or not. Then support your beliefs with a comparison chart.

6) Find any diagram in your Exploring Earth Science textbook. Re-design it and draw me your new and improved diagram.

7) Other projects are possible, if Mr. Crosslin first approves them!

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