Maps and Globes Notes

Maps and Globes Notes

Notes must be handwritten in order to count for a grade--no printed copies allowed.

Legend - shows what all symbols on a map stand for

Scale - used to measure distance on a map (ex. 1"= 100 feet)

Grid - A system of lines used to pinpoint places on a map or globe.

Latitude - imaginary lines that show the distances north or south of the equator.

Longitude - imaginary lines that show the distances east or west of the prime meridian

Equator - the imaginary line that goes around the center of the globe.

Prime Meridian - the central longitude line.

Topographic Map - map that shows the elevation of the land uses contour lines.

Elevation - height of the land above sea level.

Contour line - lines that connect areas of equal elevation on a map.

Contour interval - the difference between two neighboring contour lines.

Look here for a web site about Latitude and Longitude

Look here for a web site about topographic maps

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