What Causes Weather and Climate

What Causes Weather and Climate Notes

Notes must be handwritten in order to count for a grade--no printed copies allowed.

Chapter 16 Notes - Weather

1) Factors that interact to cause weather are heat energy, air pressure, winds, and moisture in the air.
2) Heat energy is transferred by conduction, convection, or radiation.
3) Air temperature varies depending on the angle at which the sun's rays strike the earth.
4) Air pressure depends on the density of the air.
5) Factors affecting air pressure are temperature, water vapor in the air, and elevation.
6) Local winds and global winds are caused by differences in air pressure due to unequal heating of the air.
7) Local winds blow from any direction and cover short distances; global winds blow from a specific direction and cover long distances.
8) Water vapor, or moisture, in the air is called humidity.
9) There are three main types of clouds: cumulus, stratus, and cirrus.
10) Clouds form when moisture in the air condenses on small particles of dust or other solids in the air.
11) Water vapor that condenses and forms clouds can fall to the earth as rain, sleet, snow, or hail.
12) The four major types of air masses that affect the weather in the United States are maritime tropical, maritime polar, continental tropical, and continental polar.
13) When two air masses meet, a cold front, a warm front, an occluded front, or a stationary front may form.
14) Meteorologists use data from local weather observers, balloons, satellites, and weather stations to predict the weather.

Chapter 17 Notes - Climate

1) The basic factors that determine climate are temperature and precipitation.
2) Factors that affect temperature are latitude, elevation, and the presence of ocean currents.
3) Factors that affect precipitation are prevailing winds and the presence of mountain ranges.
4) The earth's three major climate zones are the polar, temperate, and tropical zones.
5) Marine climates and continental climates occur within each of the three major climate zones.
6) Natural factors that may cause changes in climate are continental drift, changes in the sun's energy output, and variations in the tilt of the earth's axis and the shape of the earth's orbit.
7) The effects of human activities may lead to global warming.

Look here for the weather dude

Look here for the World Climate page

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